The Keep Antibiotics Working Coalition commended today’s announcement by Bon Appétit Management Company (BAMCO) of a new groundbreaking purchasing policy for turkey to help combat the antibiotic-resistance crisis in human medicine.

Press Releases
Bon Appétit Management Company Pledges to Sell Only Cage-Free Eggs
Today, The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) announced a major victory in its campaign to end one of the most abusive practices in animal agribusiness. After discussions with The HSUS, Bon Appétit Management Company has pledged to start selling only eggs from uncaged birds in all of its corporate, university, and specialty venues throughout the United States.
Bon Appétit Management Company Announces Eat Local Challenge
During the Eat Local Challenge, 150,000 diners at corporate, university, and museum restaurants from Seattle to Washington D.C. can choose to eat a 100 percent locally grown meal, made entirely of ingredients from within 150 miles of the kitchen where they are served.
New de Young Museum Café to Feature Artisinal Food, Local Farmers
When the de Young museum store and café open to the public on August 17, 2005, two months in advance of the museum’s grand opening on October 15, visitors will get a real taste of the Bay Area. The café menu – crafted by locally based Bon Appétit Management Company – will feature delicious seasonal dishes created with fresh, local ingredients from small family farmers and artisanal producers.
Bon Appétit Management Company Wins Corporate Award from the Ecological Society of America
Announced on Monday at ESA’s 90th Annual Meeting in Montréal, the award honors Bon Appétit’s incorporation of sound ecological concepts, knowledge, and practices into planning and operating procedures.
Bon Appétit Management Company Supports Dakota Hormone-Free Milk
Great Plains Dairy Partners, LLC, has taken over the former Schultz Creamery in Bismarck, and revived the Deja Moo brand, which offers milk from cows not treated with the growth hormone so commonly used on dairy cows in the United States today.
Cooking for Solutions Supports Sustainable Seafood
Bon Appétit Management Company sponsors benefit at Monterey Bay Aquarium.