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The past two years as Bon Appétit’s West Coast Fellow have been filled with meaningful connections, growth, and invaluable knowledge about our current food system. Visiting accounts just under 40 times in four semesters, I’ve had the opportunity to learn from a diverse range of people to explore the most pressing issues of the food industry.  

Bon Appétit’s operators and chefs, as well as our growers, processors, students, and professors with whom we work have given me insight into a range of perspectives and solutions to a sustainable food future. Here are some insights I’ve gained in my time as a Fellow…

This LGBTQ+ Pride Month, we at Bon Appétit Management Company are thrilled to be partnering with Timothy Pakron of Mississippi Vegan. Timothy is a food blogger, photographer, cookbook author, and avid gardener who celebrates his identity as a vegan and a proud gay man, born and raised in the American South.

After five semesters as the Midwest Fellow, I’ve had countless opportunities to engage with food systems in creative ways. These experiences have instilled a deeper understanding of the realities of food service and sustainability at large. This broadened perspective has added nuance to my food systems experience, and kept me continually inspired by passionate students, chefs, and farmers that I’ve had the pleasure to work with and learn from.  

We had a chance to chat with Timothy Pakron, cookbook author of Mississippi Vegan, as well as a writer, photographer, and gardener who shares his love of Southern food through his perspective as a vegan home cook. We discuss his path to create Mississippi Vegan (the blog) and eventually the cookbook, his approach to developing accessible recipes, and celebrate what it means to be gay and vegan in the South.  

Farm to Fork partner Hunter Cattle Company is a multi-generation family-run farm, that was started “by accident” but has since flourished into a thriving and beloved producer in the region. Del Ferguson first ventured into raising cattle for his family. At the time, he had no idea that grass-fed beef would be desired by the community, much less marketable.  

Tofu is an ingredient worth celebrating. It is endlessly versatile, rich in history and tradition, and is an important ingredient across many Asian cuisines. This Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, Bon Appétit Management Company is excited to shine a light on the ancient origins of tofu and its modern evolution as a rising staple across the US and in our cafés.   First, a history lesson: tofu first originated in China over 2000 years ago during the Western Han Dynasty. While its origin story is debated, some say that a Chinese royal named Liu An first created tofu while he was experimenting with soy milk and accidentally caused the mixture to curdle. Today, the art of tofu-making has built upon this initial discovery: dried whole soybeans are soaked, then ground up and cooked. The solid pulp (okara) is […]

We’ve all experienced it – you reach into the back of your refrigerator and realize a sad, forgotten food has now become a moldy (and occasionally scary) science experiment. You’re not alone – up to 40% of the food that is produced is wasted and each American wastes as much as 238 pounds of food each year (equal to about $1800). Thankfully, there are many ways to reduce waste in your kitchen. Try out these tips for shopping and preparing food mindfully to help you to stop wasting food…and money. 

Every recipe contains a story, held together by long-held cultural traditions, inspiration sparked by a new idea or ingredient, and countless memories of meals shared together with loved ones. This AAPI Heritage Month, we are excited to share Tofu Tales: A Collection of Recipes from Bon Appétit Chefs for AAPI Heritage Month.