For this month’s Well Being Challenge, we encourage you to eat at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables and two servings of whole grains every day for one week. Visit for resources to help determine what is a standard serving of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Share your experiences by posting comments or photos of foods in proper portions on our Facebook page wall. Here’s a recipe to get you started.

The Bon Appétit Blog
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Carleton Students See a Family Farm First-hand
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Students at Carleton College in Northfield, MN, are already well-versed about the importance of sourcing food locally, but it’s not often they get to actually visit one of the farms that supplies the café and see first-hand what it means to run a family farm.

Being Responsible Can Be Sweet! Fair Trade Recipes for Valentine’s Day
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Over time, Valentine’s Day changed from a day to celebrate martyrs named Valentine to a romantic day filled with hearts, flowers, cards, and of course, chocolate. But in the past few years, chocolate production has been under public scrutiny because of numerous reports about human trafficking and child labor associated with growing and harvesting cacao. Just as Valentine’s Day has evolved, it’s time to change our chocolate habits and support organizations with fair, humane, and sustainable practices.

Vanguard Students Go Beyond Lemonade in Iron Chef Competition
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You’ve no doubt heard the phrase “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”Well, a few students at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, CA, got lemons and went way beyond lemonade to create desserts, sandwiches, salads, and more.

Helping Cows Meet Grass at Larga Vista Ranch
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I recently had the pleasure of visiting Larga Vista Ranch in Boone, Colorado along with some of the Bon Appétit team from Colorado College. Doug Wiley, who owns Larga Vista Ranch along with his wife Kim, is one of those passionate, charismatic people that I could listen to all day. A fourth-generation farmer working land that has been in his family for 95 years, he is well versed in everything from the benefits of raw milk to climate change and food safety.

Investing in Compost at Oberlin
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Composting food scraps from kitchen prep is a no brainer — an easy way to recycle soil fertility. But recycling the scrapings from diners’ plates is another story. That’s why Bon Appétit at Oberlin College in Oberlin, OH, invested in a Somat Pulper, a system that grinds both pre and post-consumer food so it can be sent to a Class Two licensed municipal facility to become compost.

A Mouth-watering Visit to Cato Corner Farm
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Mother-son team Elizabeth MacAlister and Mark Gillman run Cato Corner Farm — a small, pasture-based, and family-owned cheese operation in Colchester, CT.

Balsamic Butternut Squash with Parsley
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For this month’s Well Being Challenge, we encourage you to eat at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables and two servings of whole grains every day for one week. Visit for resources to help determine what is a standard serving of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Share your experiences by posting comments or photos of foods in proper portions on our Facebook page wall. Here’s a recipe to get you started.

A Field Trip to Upper Dry Creek Ranch
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Located in the heart of ranching country, Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA, is proud to support the work of grass-based ranchers like Cheryl and Robert Cosner of Upper Dry Creek Ranch.

Seeing Fair Trade in Action at a Colombian Chocolate Factory
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Last fall I had the pleasure of traveling to beautiful Colombia to visit the birthplace of the delicious Fair Trade Certified™ Cordillera chocolate with which Bon Appétit Management Company chefs bake. Now that I’ve gone over the basics in my first post and told you all about farming cacao in my second, I can now talk about the social responsibility aspect of the business.