For the Media
Thank you for your interest in Bon Appétit Management Company. Please note that we are not affiliated in any way with Bon Appétit magazine.
The contact information below is for members of the press only. Bon Appétit employees with HR questions, please call the HR Service Center at (877) 311-4747 or email [email protected]. Would-be vendors and and all others, please email [email protected] — we promise someone will get back to you quickly.
- For high-resolution files of the Bon Appétit Management Company company logo, program logos, or portraits of senior leadership, please email [email protected] with your name, affiliation, and intended use.
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Please note that we are not affiliated in any way with Bon Appétit magazine. All requests for Bon Appétit Management Company executive interviews, speaking engagements, and company information should be directed to:
Jenny Slafkosky
Director of Communications
Bon Appétit Management Company
email (preferred): [email protected]
mobile: (408) 857-1683 (Pacific time)