“Read the fine print of every policy/commitment/claim by an organization, because the meaning and integrity is always in the details. If something isn’t specific, it usually doesn’t have much meaning.”

Blog: Staff
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Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Claire Cummings
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“Always dig deeper. With so much of my work, I have been successful because I dug a little deeper, got a little more curious, and didn’t take things at face value.”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Alyse Festenstein
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“As a Fellow, I learned a lot about the creation of our companywide purchasing policies — and it left me wanting to know more about how they are implemented and maintained. That’s exactly what I work on now.”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Sea Sloat
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“Be OK with getting uncomfortable and admitting when you don’t know something. Always ask yourself; who is being left out of this conversation?”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Amanda Wareham
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“I’ve always had a love for education, and Healthy Kids in the Bon Appétit Kitchen brought a lot of my favorite things together. I particularly enjoyed watching the focus and fascination with which many of the kids approached the meal preparation; it was dazzling to see them have little epiphanies and solve problems.”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Autumn Rauchwerk
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“Don’t try to do things perfectly, work on starting somewhere, anywhere, and then building from there.”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Caroline Ferguson
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“I’m grateful for the macroscopic understanding of food system issues I gained, and the big-picture perspective I bring to my current work.”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Claire Kelloway
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“I appreciated seeing into so many different parts of our food chain — those experiences inform my reporting today.”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Andrew Monbouquette
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“Choose an area of expertise and focus on that so as not to get overwhelmed by all the problems in our food system and society.”

Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Maggie Kraft
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“Form partnerships with different groups on campus, from food service to facilities. You never know where you might find allies for your cause!”