Blog: Farms

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Fellow Amanda Wareham visits DePauw University’s on-site campus farm and Farm to Fork vendor Ponderosa Aqua Farm

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In addition to getting access to the freshest, most flavorful local ingredients, one of the perks that Bon Appétit chefs enjoy through the Farm to Fork program is the chance to get out and visit their suppliers. With RI Mushroom Company recently coming on board, it was only a matter of time before everyone wanted to check it out. Manager of Strategic Initiatives Nicole Tocco Cardwell joined a group of chefs and managers from Brown University (both Bon Appétit and Brown Dining culinary team members) and Roger Williams University for a trip to the mushroom mother lode in West Kingston, RI. The company’s owners, Mike Hallock and Bob DiPietro (“Chef Bob”), met at a farmers’ market about four years ago, and started growing mushrooms in an 8-by-8-foot room in the basement of nearby Sweet Berry Farm and selling them at […]

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Fellow Amanda Wareham takes a group of Lawrence University students to tour one of the farms that supply the school’s milk and is reminded of why she and Bon Appétit are passionate about supporting small-scale farmers.

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You would never guess that an old jail would make for an ideal site for a grain mill. But the abandoned Skowhegan prison has proven to be the perfect place for Maine Grains, a certified organic mill in Central Maine and a new addition to Bon Appétit’s Farm to Fork roster.