We’ve all experienced it – you reach into the back of your refrigerator and realize a sad, forgotten food has now become a moldy (and occasionally scary) science experiment. You’re not alone – up to 40% of the food that is produced is wasted and each American wastes as much as 238 pounds of food each year (equal to about $1800). Thankfully, there are many ways to reduce waste in your kitchen. Try out these tips for shopping and preparing food mindfully to help you to stop wasting food…and money.

Blog: Advice
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Staying Well During the Holiday Season
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It’s that time of year again, when the pressure mounts to stockpile gifts, plan holiday meals and treats, and attend office and friends’ parties. If just reading that sentence makes you anxious, you’re not alone: this is the most stressful time of year, according to psychologists. Add a plane or long car ride to the mix, and life can feel overwhelming and like it’s impossible to stick to the healthy habits that you have put in place throughout the year. But with a little planning and a few good strategies, you don’t have to throw all of your wellness goals in the fire.

8 Foods to Boost Your Immunity
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Can what you eat really keep you from getting sick? If you’re looking for a little extra boost, fill your fridge with these foods (and drinks).

Tossing and Turning? These 7 Eating Tips Help Support Healthy Sleep
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What you eat (and drink) can affect sleep. Our wellness experts share tips to help you get a good night’s rest.

The Buzz: Magnesium
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Our wellness experts investigate whether magnesium might be the magical new (natural) sleep aid that will give us more restful nights

Staying Well As You Venture Out to Eat
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What are the signals of safe practices to look for in restaurants, cafés, and coffee shops?

7 Simple Ways to Prioritize Health When Life Changes
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Are you experiencing a curve in your (life’s) road? Who isn’t! Our wellness team has tips for staying focused and healthy.

Let’s Cook with Sophie Egan: 5 Easy Ways to Waste Less Food at Home
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Much of the wasted food in the U.S. occurs at home. You can make a difference, says the author of “How to Be a Conscious Eater”

Wellness Wednesday: How to Choose the Best Fruits and Vegetables
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Whether you’re purchasing your produce at a farmers’ market or grocery store, here are a few tips from Bon Appétit chefs to help you get more value (and less waste!) from your produce

Wellness Wednesday with Healthy Kids: Taste Tests, ABC Pudding, and Fruit Hand Pies for the Win!
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Ready for a taste test adventure? We’ve got a handout to guide you through it, plus two recipes for tasty, healthy-ish desserts from the Healthy Kids repertoire.