Blog: Food and Drink

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Our chefs on college campuses around the country have the unique responsibility to expand the minds and palates of an emerging generation, and an opportunity to educate students about the importance (and deliciousness) of sustainably sourced seafood options, both wild-caught or farmed, that are served in their campus cafés. 

Bon Appétit Management Company has long relied on Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch guidelines to inform our sustainable seafood purchasing. The Seafood Watch program scientifically assesses the environmental sustainability of seafood products on the U.S. market and then uses those findings to transform how seafood is fished and farmed. Commitments like ours at Bon Appétit  — and our chefs’ efforts to put those promises into action — help push the needle on seafood sustainability so that people and planet can thrive for the long term.  

Telling the stories behind the food really resonates with me. Every plate holds layers of history, culture, and effort that’s often unseen until you dig deeper. I find inspiration in these stories—whether they come from local farmers discussing sustainable agricultural practices, or seeing firsthand how small, conscious changes from the consumer in a food system can ripple out to make a huge difference.

Tofu is an ingredient worth celebrating. It is endlessly versatile, rich in history and tradition, and is an important ingredient across many Asian cuisines. This Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, Bon Appétit Management Company is excited to shine a light on the ancient origins of tofu and its modern evolution as a rising staple across the US and in our cafés.   First, a history lesson: tofu first originated in China over 2000 years ago during the Western Han Dynasty. While its origin story is debated, some say that a Chinese royal named Liu An first created tofu while he was experimenting with soy milk and accidentally caused the mixture to curdle. Today, the art of tofu-making has built upon this initial discovery: dried whole soybeans are soaked, then ground up and cooked. The solid pulp (okara) is […]

We’ve all experienced it – you reach into the back of your refrigerator and realize a sad, forgotten food has now become a moldy (and occasionally scary) science experiment. You’re not alone – up to 40% of the food that is produced is wasted and each American wastes as much as 238 pounds of food each year (equal to about $1800). Thankfully, there are many ways to reduce waste in your kitchen. Try out these tips for shopping and preparing food mindfully to help you to stop wasting food…and money. 

Every recipe contains a story, held together by long-held cultural traditions, inspiration sparked by a new idea or ingredient, and countless memories of meals shared together with loved ones. This AAPI Heritage Month, we are excited to share Tofu Tales: A Collection of Recipes from Bon Appétit Chefs for AAPI Heritage Month.   

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Generally, producing animal-based foods like beef, lamb, and dairy products creates more carbon emissions than plant-based foods like beans, legumes, and whole grains – and is why shifting to a diet centered on plants is one of the most impactful ways to combat climate change.