Celebrating 10 Years of the Fellows Program: Claire Kelloway
Claire Kelloway
Fellow from July 2016 to May 2018, based in Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
Bon Appétit campus attended: Carleton College
Current job: I cover food and farming issues at the Open Markets Institute, an antitrust policy think tank. I run our Food & Power website which provides original reporting, resources, and research on monopoly power and economic concentration in the food system. My reporting has appeared in outlets like Civil Eats, the Food & Environment Reporting Network, and the Washington Monthly.
Skill/wisdom you gained from the Fellowship: As a Fellow, I met a wide variety of people in a very short amount of time, which taught me how to ask the right questions. I also appreciated seeing into so many different parts of our food chain — those experiences inform my reporting today.
Did the Fellowship shape your career choices? You get to do a lot of varied work as a Fellow. While I really valued the chance to work on more tangible changes, I realized I was most “in the zone” working on writing and research projects.
Memorable experience as a Fellow: There were a few times giving guest lectures when I’d mention a fact, like how 40% of food in the U.S. never gets eaten, or farmworkers are not included in many basic labor protections, and I would see jaws dropped across the classroom. In my current job, I never get to see how people react to new information; as a Fellow it was gratifying to witness that knowledge transfer in real time.
Read more Fellows 10th Anniversary interviews: