HSUS’s Food Industry Scorecard tracks companies’ progress toward their promises to eliminate the abusive practices common to industrialized farm animal production.
Rebel Ventures Named Bon Appétit’s Annual Gift Recipient
Chief Strategy and Brand Officer Maisie Ganzler looks back on Bon Appétit’s holiday tradition of supporting special charities, and shares about the 2019 recipient, Rebel Ventures.
Airbnb Experiences are the New eBay for Young Vietnamese Entrepreneurs
Airbnb Experiences are not only a great way for travelers to connect with locals, they’re offering a new business model for young entrepreneurs
International Buyers Must Prevent Thailand Backtracking on International Convention on Work in Fishing
Why the Thai government must follow through on its promise to ratify the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention on work in fishing (C.188), which is essential to protecting the working conditions of fishers on Thai vessels and to eliminating labor abuses in the supply chains of international brands
A Cheerful Story About Environmental Conservation (Really and Truly)
In honor of National Seafood Month, read the inspiring true story of saving West Coast groundfish. Now we just need to eat burbot, chilipepper rockfish, petrale sole, sablefish, lingcod, and other groundfish!
Happy 30th Birthday, Bon Appétit: What If…

“We’ve set a new standard in food service again and again. We’ve respected people, animals, and the environment. And we’ve done it while growing profitably.”
— Maisie Ganzler, Chief Strategy and Brand Officer
Why You Might Be a Vegetarian in 10 years
I am not a vegetarian, but in 10 years I might be. If you aren’t already, you might be, too.
No Free Lunch: What “Gestation-Crate-Free” Pork Actually Means
“Gestation crate free” means no use of gestation crates, right? To the large pork producers, apparently not. Here’s how I wound up in a hog barn in Pennsylvania.
From Fish Heads to Broccoli Leaves: 5 Sustainable Food Trends for 2016

I predict this year will bring new frontiers in fighting food waste, plus a heightened focus on plants in general and plant-based proteins in particular.
A Global Perspective on the Food System
I am never going to be a global expert on the food system, but I do love globe-trotting and talking to local people about food. In recent years, I’ve been lucky enough to travel from South America to Southeast Asia, and like many of you would, I have sought out indigenous food experiences. Here’s some […]